A Paul Washer Meme, Human Depravity, and Genesis 6:5: Some Thoughts

A key aspect of the verse (Gen. 8:21) that must not be missed is this: the statement that mankind’s heart is intent on evil “from his youth” was said when the earth contained exactly eight people, all adults. Not only this, they were the only ones righteous enough to have escaped the preceding judgment. We can only deduce from this that human depravity is inherent, and it is universal.

Extraterrestrials: the (very) low probability of their existence & the near impossibility of them ever visiting us

All of these calculations and estimates are to show that we should not be here. At least from a purely naturalistic viewpoint, we shouldn’t. And if we shouldn’t be here, nobody else should either. The vastness of the universe and the truly mind-boggling number of stars does nothing to improve these odds. The likelihood of another advanced lifeform coming into existence through naturalistic means is exceedingly, laughably, low.

Irresistible Grace: Antidote to Sin or Funky Cold Medina? Assessing the “Love Potion” Analogy

Irresistible Grace bears little resemblance to the “love potion” analogy. God is correcting a disorder, a moral inability characterized by extreme self-centeredness and lack of love toward God. While it’s true that nobody asks to receive God’s grace – at least apart from that same grace – this is to be expected. Why would they ask for that which they don’t want?

Retroactive Climate Change is Real and Dangerous, Scientists Confirm

Acknowledging the pushback, co-author Jared Jingleheimer spoke directly: “The anti-science crowd is already objecting, ‘logic’ this, and ‘paradox’ that. Look, science has spoken. Consensus is truth, and truth is consensus. Our findings are not hard to understand. The carbon we’re putting into the atmosphere today is retroactively affecting the climates of the past, which in turn is now impacting our own climate. It’s a vicious cycle, and all due to our selfish consumption of fossil fuels and meat. We are quite literally destroying our past."

Tribe B and Morality: A Comparison of Non-theistic and Christian Approaches

A vexing and much discussed subject among non-theists is morality - how to understand it, how to define it, how to determine what is right and wrong. Since an agreed upon set of moral codes does not exist within the various manifestations of non-theism, the issue becomes particularly stark when a subject of personal importance is at stake.

Saul and God’s Sovereignty (or, what happens when a movable object meets an irresistible force)

It is a common idea that God never changes the human will.  In fact, it could be stated that this is a cardinal rule among most non-Calvinists.  The idea is that free will and responsibility would be eliminated, making humans little more than robots or automatons.  Even if some level of freedom is maintained, there … Continue reading Saul and God’s Sovereignty (or, what happens when a movable object meets an irresistible force)

The Ultimate Question Revisited: A Non-Calvinist Objection Answered

A few years ago I discussed the “ultimate question,” (UQ) namely, this: why do some people believe the gospel to salvation, while others hear the same message and reject it? What is the ultimate deciding factor in salvation, God or human-produced faith? My answer was that God must be the final decider. Otherwise, the answer must lie within the person, whether by intelligence or innate goodness. This is the clear implication, though not many will own it.